This is Like Watching Grass Grow
The forecast calls for rain this week, finally. So, I thought it would be a good time to try to salvage the lawn. While Truman's extensive restroom area still thrives, the rest looks beyond dead. Some areas are worse than others...

This looked even worse after raking.
I had originally planned on simply overseeding, but when I reassessed the bare patches, I decided to use the all-in-one mix. That means using chemical fertilizer, but I'll make that sacrifice this one time. The mix is pretty handy: grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch, in a fenestrated bag that you just shake over the desired area.
The result....

The lawn now looks to be more patch repair than actual grass. And Truman is fustrated that he can't hang out back here for a while.
I watered it well yesterday, which of course meant it rained a lot last night. Cloudy, rainy, and in the finally feels like we are in Seattle.
You are focusing on the Budweiser --they could have left you Olympia or Lucky Lager (if those brands are still being made) which are even worse. Jerry Baker, master gardener, has "cures" that he sprays on grass and plants that include beer as one of the ingredients, You might use the Bud for that.
We had many bald patches of grass when we moved into the house! The only thing we did was water a lot so hopefully the rain season will bring grass by next spring! Good luck!
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