Today I took on that big sharp weed about which I've posted earlier. I was worried about the sharp leaves at first, but once I realized the stem bases were clear of spines, I thought is would be easy going. Then I cut into the first stem...

With each stem I cut, a sticky, milky substance started dripping out. With this disgusting feature, I'm pretty sure this is the most annoying plant in Seattle. It's even more annoying then that rotting-meat flower the botanical garden had last month.
What the hell is this plant?
So many plants do that. One is Milkweed. The fact that you are a person that can send to me an email about shop-vacing the thoracic cavity of a human cadaver whilst in medical school can be grossed out by some little milkweed is really, really funny.
That last post contains horrible sentence structure, for that I apologize.
Hey, rotting meat flowers are very cool! You watch it! :)
You could also go the Round-up way and then pull up the roots after it's gone to the great suburban yard in the sky.
The human body is a beautiful thing. Plants can be icky. I was particularly grossed out by the mess it made - a big sticky mess that took forever to wash off (some is still on my toes).
I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of euphorbia
That's the only thing I can think of that has both milky sticky sap and thorns. You should be careful as the sap is both irritating and depending on the variety, can actually be quite toxic.
Yup, that's the genus. There are several of the desired varieties in the neighborhood, which I had hoped this on was. Unfortunately, it's one of the ugly invasive ones.
And the rash on my hands is doing much better.
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