It's working!
This is very exciting for everyone, I know. But there are signs of sprouting in the areas where new seed was planted. Plus, I can stop worrying about rising water bills, as the famed Seattle weather has returned. We have had a slow steady rain every morning for the last few days, so no need for the sprinkler.
The rain has prevented much other yard work, unfortunately. My plans to put down mulch for the fall have been delayed. What I have been able to do is attack the front lawn with the same vigor as the back....
Unfortunately, the weeds were even worse up front. This section in particular was more weed than grass. What worries me is that the soil is now pock-marked, and I doubt I could rake it out without damaging what is left of the grass. Perhaps sprinkling some topsoil on top before putting down the seed?
Fortunately the front yard is only about 200 square feet.