Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Long Awaited Update

There are those who have told us we need to update this. Well, the few who were still reading.

I admit it had been quite a while. Not that we (a royal we) haven't been doing yardwork, but we haven't been doing much new.

Until recently!

To update to last post, I finally went nuts one week and took out that ugly bush by the front step. And in its place...

After much deliberation, we decided on another hydrangea. We're nothing if not consistent. This one will probably take a while to do much, but I'm hoping for at least a few blooms next year.
You can also see in this picture that the old hydrangea isn't doing so well. It got a too tall for its own good and started drooping. Plus, it's been a bad year for hydrangea all over; most of the ones in the neighborhood are looking dry and droopy. It does mean I will have to trim it back quite a bit in the fall, I'm told it's fine to do this with reckless abandon.

Speaking of hydrangeas...remember that scraggy bush in our tree lawn/devil strip that I complained about? It came back from the dead this spring, and a few weeks ago revealed it's true identity:

Ok, it can stay. This now makes four hydrangeas in our yard.


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