Monday, March 12, 2007

Another Indoor Post

In which we flaunt material possessions:

Again, what student loans?

More Eruptions

Someone made a crack about a previous post having "just a flower."
Take this:

And the shrub by the front porch is threatening roses.

Of course, these pictures also show that it's time to mow the lawn, and the house needs to be painted.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Did you know...

...that slugs are attracted to dog poo?


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Perhaps That Groundhog Was Right

The timing of my new job starting in November seemed to coincide perfectly with the garden no longer needing much of my time or effort. More energy could be spent on getting furniture (what student loans?) or doing, well, anything else.

Coming back from my run this morning, I found this in the backyard:

Hmmm....perhaps it's time to get back to work soon.

Our neighbors have daffodils in full bloom, and we have many other yet-to-be-identified bulb plants that have sprouted but not yet revealed their blooms. This should be fun, as I didn't realize those bulbs were in the ground. We may have many new surprises awaiting us.