Alternative Landscaping Techniques
Last night Seattle had a nasty storm, with 8 inches of rain and 60+ mph winds. We slept through most of the it, although the creaking of the house woke us up a few times.
But, when I got up to take Truman for his early morning walk, we discovered this:

That's usually where I park my car! Fortunately last night I felt like going through the back door, so my car was about 15 feet away. One of our neighbors wasn't so lucky:

It's tough to see in this picture, but two trees went down, and caught that car on both ends....but, as another neighbor said, "Eh, it's just an Escort." The trees took two power lines down with them, but oddly enough we are part of the lucky half of Seattle that still has power.
We always admired those trees, and they were the view from our dining room. Now we''l be looking in the neighbor's windows.
Our front yard was also littered with shingles. It looks like our roof held up, but our neighbors on the other side got hit hard:

With power out at work and in most of King County, there's not much to do but hang out in the yard, waiting for the utilities department to come take care of the downed lines and talk with all the people walking by to survey the damage. And be glad that our house held up well, although I suspect our garbage can is somewhere in Lake Washington.